How To Get My Dog To Stop Pulling Me On Walks
How To Get My Dog To Stop Pulling Me On Walks
So you're most likely reading this because your dog is pulling you on your walks and you want to know how to stop it.
Trust me, I’ve been there too many times!
You may be shocked that professional dog trainers do not recommend saying to your dog "stop pulling!" or anything like that.
Some dogs can manage these techniques, but others find it difficult if they're tugging and their owner is yelling at them.
Here are the best ways to stop the pulling…
1) The first thing that needs to be addressed when trying to fix any problem (and this is a big one) is the owner's behavior. If you're not reinforcing good behavior, then your dog isn't going to think that it's actually bad. Let me explain:
If your dog pulls on their leash and you keep walking, eventually the dog will figure out that they get where they want faster if they just continue to pull. This will not stop until you start making a big deal when your dog pulls and make them wait at intersections or treat them for not pulling–even if it takes months of training, remember that it's worth it in the end!
2) The next step is to start teaching your dog what "heel" means. Whether you use a clicker is completely up to you, as with any training it's about finding the method that works best for your dog.
3) When teaching “heel”, make sure to give a treat every time they get it right and know their reward will come faster if they walk on your left side. If you're using a clicker, click as soon as their left foot touches your right.
4) Keep practicing “heel” every day until you notice a decrease in pulling. It might take some time, but just keep it up!
5) Remember that if your dog is being stubborn or simply doesn't know how to do what you're asking of them, practice for even 10 minutes per day to get them used to it. If you practice for 5 minutes twice a day, after a week they'll have been practicing for 10 minutes for two weeks straight–and that's a good start!
6) Once your dog is now consistently walking by your side without pulling, it's time to try those few techniques that I mentioned above. The first is to stand still and not move when your dog pulls. This is an easy way to teach them that pulling gets them nowhere!
7) Another is to try using a harness designed to reduce the stress on your dog's neck while pulling, such as a front-attachment harness. This way, the leash goes around their chest instead of their neck and it decreases the amount of stress on your dog's neck–much nicer for them!
8) You can also try practicing in different locations to see if your dog is less inclined to pull when there are distractions, such as other dogs–if it's much harder to pull when dogs are around, then you'll obviously want to practice near dogs!
9) It also helps to have a more experienced trainer give you some pointers and more information on how they train their dogs. There are different techniques for different breeds and personalities of dogs!
10) Lastly, try using a gentle leader muzzle while training to get your dog used to wearing it. You can reward them with treats when they're calm and not pulling while wearing the muzzle.
11) Finally, remember that there is no one "right" way to train your dog to stop pulling. It's worth experimenting with different techniques to find out what works best for your dog–the more you practice, the better your dog will become!
Dogs are often eager to please their owners and with a little patience and training, most dogs can be taught how to walk properly on a leash. The techniques mentioned in this article should help get you started on the right path. Remember that it might take some time for your dog to learn, but with practice they will eventually become well-behaved during walks. Be patient and keep up the good work!